Find Treatment for Back Pain in Baton Rouge at The NeuroMedical Center

May 17, 2016 2:47 pm

Back health is not something we often think about until we begin to experience chronic back pain or sustain a back injury that results in acute pain. Depending on the severity and frequency of your symptoms, chronic back pain can be a debilitating burden on patients who live with this condition. Back pain can make even simple daily activities difficult and extremely uncomfortable. For patients whose field of work involves a significant amount of standing or regular physical movement, chronic back pain can even make it challenging for them to perform their job duties. In fact, back pain is the leading cause of disability among Americans under 45 years old according to research from the National Institute of Health Statistics (NIHS). If back pain is interfering with your life or you sustained an acute back or spinal injury, the team of pain management physicians and rehabilitation specialists at The NeuroMedical Center can help offer relief from back pain in Baton Rouge.

Common Causes of Chronic and Acute Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common sources of chronic pain in the U.S. In an NIHS survey, low back pain was the most frequently reported type of chronic pain among respondents. The study also found that more than 26 million Americans between the ages of 20-64 have frequent back pain.  There are two main types of back pain: acute and chronic. Acute back pain is generally related to a recent injury or a normal symptom experienced after a surgery. Back injuries that can cause pain include spine fractures or sprains and strains which can happen as a result of the spine being hit or injuries or tears to the muscles and tendons around the spine. These back injuries can occur in car accidents while playing sports or weightlifting. Chronic pain is typically felt in certain areas of the back including the upper, middle and lower back. Spinal and neurological disorders can cause chronic back pain. Spine-related conditions such as herniated or slipped discs, bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis and pinched nerves can be major factors in back pain. Medical conditions such as osteoarthritis or ankylosing spondylitis, which weaken the spine bones, can also cause chronic pain. Low back pain is often related to pain from sciatica, which is a condition resulting from pressure on the sciatic nerve in the back.

Controlling Back Pain Triggers

While back pain is often associated with a chronic or acute condition that cannot be controlled, you may be able to help prevent aggravating pain symptoms by avoiding certain activities that can set off back pain. Poor posture from habits such as sitting hunched over at a desk for many hours a day can trigger back discomfort. Back pain can also be brought on by wearing high heels and standing on your feet for long periods or improperly lifting heavy things. Stress and depression can also trigger tightness in the back muscles which causes pain. Chronic back pain is also caused by not getting regular exercise or being overweight. If you are suffering from back pain in Baton Rouge, a pain management physician with The NeuroMedical Center can help you in addressing and managing its causes.

Experts Specializing in Treatment for Back Pain in Baton Rouge

The multi-disciplinary team of spine and neurologic health experts at The NeuroMedical Center works together every day to diagnose and treat patients with back pain in Baton Rouge. Our team of physical medicine and pain management physicians and therapists collaborate to design a treatment and rehabilitation plan that is customized for each patient. With access to the largest network of nervous system, spine and brain specialists and surgeons in the region, the pain management physicians at The NeuroMedical Center can decide if surgical or non-surgical therapies are the best method of treating your back pain. Our highly trained pain management and physical medicine experts use leading-edge technology and the most advanced clinical treatment methods available to restore your back health after an injury or manage chronic back pain related to a neurological disorder.

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