Expert Neuropsychologists | The NeuroMedical Center Baton Rouge, LA
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Neuropsychological Evaluations
If you have been referred for a neuropsychological evaluation, you likely have questions. We are here to make sure you understand the process and can provide informed consent.
Neuropsychological Evaluations
A neuropsychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of your cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning using a set of standardized tests and procedures.
Unlike CT or MRI scans, which show the brain’s structure, neuropsychological testing examines how well the brain is working when it performs certain functions (for example, remembering).
The types of tests that you will take depend upon the questions asked by you and your doctor. You might take tests that assess:
- Intelligence
- Attention & Concentration
- Learning & Memory
- Problem-Solving
- Language Skills
- Academic Skills
- Sensory Perception & Motor Skills
- Emotions, Behavior, and Personality
Why Have You Been Referred for a Neuropsychological Evaluation?
There are many reasons your healthcare provider might have referred you for an evaluation with neuropsychologists. They might want to get results that can assist them in the following:
- Understanding possible issues with your brain functioning
- Forming a diagnosis
- Defining your thinking skill strengths and weaknesses
- Guiding treatment for your personal, educational, or vocational needs
- Documenting possible changes in your brain functioning over time
When Is a Neuropsychological Evaluation Needed?
Your doctor may recommend a neuropsychological evaluation for any situation in which the functioning of your brain is relevant. This includes situations such as:
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Stroke
- Attention/Learning Problems
- Brain Tumors
- Memory Issues
- Seizure Disorders
- Chemical Exposure/Substance Abuse
- Sleep Disorders
What Should I Expect to Happen During The Neuropsychological Evaluation?
To understand a patient’s unique cognitive strengths and weaknesses, our clinicians conduct an initial diagnostic interview and mental status exam. The tests are non-invasive, meaning they do not involve attaching you to machines or using x-rays.
These initial diagnostic tests are conducted one-on-one in a private room with specialty-trained neuropsychological testers. Most tests are in paper-and-pencil format and take between three to five hours to complete.
Each neuropsychological exam performed at The NeuroMedical Center is tailored to your individual needs.
How Will the Results from My Neuropsychological Evaluation Be Used?
Your medical provider can use the results of your tests to determine the best treatment options for you, and they can confirm or clarify a diagnosis or rule out certain conditions. Following evaluation, your psychologist at The NeuroMedical Center will work with your referring physician to establish an appropriate treatment regimen. Treatment may involve primary counseling, medication management, or a combination of the two.
A neuropsychological evaluation can also guide referral to other specialists, such as neurologists, speech and language pathologists, and sleep study professionals.
Stroke Evaluations
A stroke can affect behavior, thinking, memory, and other brain functions in obvious or subtle ways. Your psychologist can perform an evaluation to help determine the degree of stroke impairment.
Parkinson's Disease Evaluations
Parkinson’s disease, a progressive disorder, can cause several neurological problems. A neuropsychologist’s examination can provide a baseline to help them determine disease progression and severity of impairment. Neuropsychological examinations can be particularly helpful when a patient is being considered for deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery.
Alzheimer's Disease Evaluations
Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia can interfere with memory, personality, and cognitive abilities. A neuropsychologist can perform an exam to help identify it in its early stage.
Epilepsy and Seizure Disorder Evaluations
Epilepsy and seizure disorders can affect cognitive and psychological functioning. A neuropsychological evaluation can assist with epilepsy treatment by identifying areas of the brain that have been impacted by seizure activity.
TBI Evaluations
Traumatic brain injuries can cause a wide variety of symptoms. A neuropsychologist can help determine how an injury affects functions like reasoning or problem-solving skills.
Meet Our Psychologists
Our Neuropsychology Department offers a seasoned team of experts with exceptional experience and compassion in caring for people with neurologic diseases and disorders. They take the time to meet with patients one-on-one to understand their symptoms. They seek to learn how the disorder is affecting the lives of their patients and the lives of their patient’s families.
Darla M.R. Burnett, Ph.D., M.P.
Medical Psychologist
Jessica L. Brown, Ph.D., M.P.
Medical Psychologist
Brooke B. Cole, Ph.D., M.P.
Medical Psychologist
Paul M. Dammers, M.P, Ph.D., FACPN
Medical Neuropsychologist
Why Choose the NeuroMedical Center's Neuropsychology Team?
The sooner you identify a neurological condition and start treatment, the more likely you will resolve the issue or limit the complications.
The NeuroMedical Center’s Neuropsychology team can help you and your referring physician best understand a cognitive, behavioral, or neurological condition. A neuropsychological evaluation will help plan effective treatment and set appropriate goals.
Talk to your physician about scheduling an appointment with one of our specialists or request an appointment today.