Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) | The NeuroMedical Center

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury that damages your brain. It results in brain dysfunction and can severly impact your life.


A TBI can result from a violent blow to your head. Such an impact can cause your brain to slam against your skull. This can tear tissues and blood vessels. It can cause bleeding in and around your brain. A traumatic brain injury can also be caused by anything that penetrates your head and enters your brain. And, it can be caused by a piece of skull being broken off and pushed into your brain. Falls, motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries and assaults are common causes of TBI.

Symptoms depend on how severely your brain is damaged. You may temporarily lose consciousness. You may experience headache, confusion and vision problems. You may have a ringing in your ears. You may have slurred speech. You may have problems with coordination and movement. You may have problems with memory
and thinking. You may have changes in your emotions. Your symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe.

Treatment options for TBI may involve emergency care to prevent further damage to your brain. A neurosurgeon at The NeuroMedical Center may intervene with surgical options to correct damage to your skull and soft tissues. You may be placed in a coma temporarily so these injuries can be treated. You may need medications to control fluid and prevent seizures. As you recover from a TBI, neuro-rehabilitation may be critical to your recovery process.  The NeuroMedical Center Rehabilitation Hospital offers specialized expertise in rehabilitating traumatic brain injuries through physical, occupational, and speech therapy programs.